Can Multicast Delegate have return types ?

Please take a look on the below example code :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace TestHome
    class Program
        public delegate int AddMulDel(int no1,int no2);
        public int Add(int num1st,int num2nd)
            return num1st+num2nd;
        public int Mul(int num1st, int num2nd)
            return num1st * num2nd;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program p = new Program();
            AddMulDel objamDEL = p.Add;
            Console.WriteLine(objamDEL(10, 20)); // Result = 30

            objamDEL += p.Mul;
            Console.WriteLine(objamDEL.Invoke(10, 20)); // Result = 200
            //Though you have two methods[Add and Mul] in Delegate reference 'objamDEL',
            //Mul method is getting ovirwritten over Add method

            foreach (AddMulDel dm in objamDEL.GetInvocationList())
                List<int> lstInt = new List<int>();
                lstInt.Add(dm(10, 20));
                foreach (int item in lstInt)
                    Console.WriteLine(item); //Result :- 30 and 200



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